Condylomata (Genital Warts; HPV)

  • Caused by HPV infection of sexually transmitted double-stranded DNA viruses, typically by low-risk types 6, 11;
  • Incubation period after exposure ranges from 3 weeks to 8 months;
  • Most infections are transiet and cleared within 2 years;
  • Viral strains that cause condyloma do not cause cancer;
  • May enlarge during pregnancy;
  • Usually detected at the time of a Pap smear;


  • Pelvic exam;
  • Cervical cytology;
  • Colposcopy and biopsy to assess for premalignant lesions (dysplasia);


  • Biopsy specimens at colposcopy;
  • HPV viral subtyping as an adjunct to Pap testing may be indicated to assess the concomitant presence of high-risk HPV types;


  • Chemical or physical destruction;
  • Immunologic therapy;
  • Surgical excision;
  • Spontaneous regression is also possible.

HPV strains causing warts may coexist with strains that cause cervical premalignant changes.

Cabinet Ginecologic

Cabinet Ginecologie / Ecografie 2D, 3D, 4D, Doppler Color
Videocolposcopie / Planificare familiala

Telefon: 0250 74 41 51 Ramnicu Valcea, Cartier Nord Str. Rapsodiei Nr. 14 Bl. D1-3, Sc. B, Ap. 3 Parter - Interfon 03
